Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Today I reached Enlightenment

Today I reached Enlightenment.

I found it on my morning walk. I had been searching for it everyday for most of my life. But today, I found it. Right in front of me. It had been staring at me for years and I could not see it. But today was different.

Yesterday, I got married. We pulled out every ritual you can think of to make a lasting and binding union. We called on the directions and asked the ancestors to join us. We made a special bath to promote happiness, vitality, health, and passion. Everything was just right. Maybe it was this experience that helped me open up. I have never had a perfect day before. And yesterday, my wedding day, was the perfect day.

I reflect wondering if this was what helped me to reach my new found state of enlightenment. Is this what helped open the door? Maybe it was reaching a state of calmness and peace. Maybe it was all the relaxation and complete contentment. Whatever it was, I am eternally grateful.

What does enlightenment look like?

To the outside world, it looked like a medium height black woman of average build and dreads crying in the midst of a group of trees and over grown weeds.

From my eyes it looked like being surrounded but utter beauty and vibrancy. I was among trees and plants that I had walked past every day and thought I had appreciated. But today I recognized them as my sisters and brothers. It felt like I could feel them breathing and I knew they were providing me with oxygen as I was providing them with carbon dioxide. Enlightenment came as calm stillness and the realization with out a doubt that all things on this plane of existence are inter connected.

Everything the yogis and the spiritual teachers say are true. Enlightenment comes from within. It is all around us and can be reached through meditation and coming to a place of stillness. I thought I was going to see something new. Fireworks would explode. But I saw with new eyes and my heart exploded. We are living in the garden we have but to open our eyes and recognize it.

I hope to shed forever the illusion and live a life fully transfixed with my new state of being.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I am just getting to this, Whisper. It's beautiful. I seek that kind of peace within me. Thank you for sharing.
