Thursday, November 9, 2017

Free to Dance

While on my morning walk today and listening to my music, I started to dance, as I often do and realized this: I have never seen anyone of the hundreds of people I see every day with earbuds in their ears dancing. WHY?!

Why? I had to ask myself. We live in the land of the free but when it comes to our bodies we do not seem  very free. What is this social construct that keeps us from moving in ways that help us enjoy life more? What is this western sense of propriety and decorum that we must not move in ways that may make others think we are crazy?

Is it crazy to dance in the park with your headphones on or while walking down the street if a song moves you thusly?
This photo has absolutely nothing to do with this article. 
Take that social norms.
In his article Social Norms Samuel Mcleod  says that "Social Norms are unwritten rules about how to behave.  They provide us with an expected idea of how to behave in a particular social group or culture." Our culture regulates dancing to stage shows and night parties.

We walk around with serious looks on our faces and must be going somewhere specific. But I challenge you to change the norm. Be authentically yourself without the pressures of society. I have to admit that as I got closer to my building, still dancing away, when a woman and her dog walked toward me I stopped, embarrassed. I challenge myself to not feel chagrin at my authenticity.

Join me in creating a brighter more free tomorrow. I promise your soul will thank you.

McLeod, S. A. (2008). Social roles. Retrieved from

Friday, November 3, 2017

Full Moon in Taurus

I have started a new path to self discovery.  I am on a journey to balance my chakras; starting with the root chakra.

Though I am an earth sign and supposedly very grounded, I have been feeling disconnected lately preferring to live in my head.  This negatively impacts my power of manifestation. To reach my full potential I must have all of my chakras fully open.

This Full Moon in Taurus is quite an auspicious time for a Taurean like myself to be starting this journey. I started this process during the New Moon. But now is the time to figuratively till the soil and plant the seeds. What we are planting is balance. A strong foundation is needed to build higher and reach the level needed to consistently achieve enlightenment.

When beginning to open and balance our chakras we want to start at the base or root. This glowing red chakra is located at the base of the spine is responsible for our connection to our bodies and the earth. It is where we satisfy our basic needs for food, water, shelter, and safety. This chakra can become blocked by early childhood trauma, feelings of lack, and an environment that has us constantly in fight or flight mode. With all the #metoo posts I have seen on Facebook I know there are many out there who have had damage done to their root chakras.

The first step to healing is grounding. We want to ground ourselves and let the earth absorb what no longer serves us. Let go of the pain and hurt that we have been carrying around that is limiting us in reaching our full potentials.

A little grounding meditation during my morning walk.

To begin, I would go out under the Full Moon and take off my shoes. I would let my bare feet touch the earth. Take a moment here to center the hips and feel a physical sense of balance. Inhale to the count of eight and exhale just as slowly. Do this three times.

Now visualize that you are one with the earth. Your feet and legs are like tree trunks and their are roots shooting from them into the earth. On the next inhale gather all the pain and hurt, guilt and frustration, gather all that is inside you that you no longer need and does not serve you and push it through the roots of your feet and into the earth grounding it and letting Mother Earth dissipate and dispel that which you are letting go.

On the inhale feel energy rising from the earth through the roots up your legs and filling your body with  vibrant warmth. Focus on your root chakra and envision that red light glowing brighter and brighter.


When you feel that you are grounded, thank the Moon and the Earth for their assistance in this endeavor by raising your arms to the sky and bringing that moon energy down to the earth placing your hands upon it and sharing the blessing. Walk on in peace.